One of the three common termite types that easily found in Singapore is Drywood termite. Not that far differents with its two famous siblings, Dampwood and Subterranean termite, these termites love to eat your woodwork. Learn more about this termite and possibly find out what to do with it, from these Drywood termite facts.
Some facts related to Drywood termite

1. Drywood Lives
Drywood termite love different kind of wood than it’s siblings. Drywood termite chooses undecayed wood with very low moisture content, to live, nest and eat it. Their particular love of this kind of wood made them able to give significant damage to moveable wood, such as our wooden furniture, like tables, wardrobe, or door.
To start a colony, a male and female pair will fight their way to the wood chosen for their nest. The entrance of their nest will be closed with a plug of brown cement-like materials. Here, the queen lays the first eggs. Soldiers and workers are born from these eggs.
2. Drywood Termite Frass
Drywood termite frass is Drywood Termite’s excretal pellets. This is the distinguishing characteristic that differentiates them from their sibling. These pellets have a hard surface and have six distinct concave surfaces on the sides. But only the end is rounded. This one Drywood termite facts is the most important facts that you need to know. If you happen to find it, around your wood furniture, that means your furniture has been eaten by this termite.
They can live in any kind of dry wood. They came inside the wood from a crack or crevice on the wood. It can also be the joint part of two wood pieces or even the space under the sheathing paper. This shows that they can live inside a wood even though it has no access to the ground. Because of their ability, this Drywood termite is frequently carried in infested wooden objects or furniture.
Drywood termites may attack any kind of wood product. Not only furniture, but they can also damage woodwork in buildings, as well as other wooden objects. They can even found in the place where they usually not found. For this reason, you should be aware of their habit of leaving their frass, to know whether your woodwork is infested or not.
3. Drywood termite Treatment
If you have understood the two Drywood termite facts above, then you need to know how to get rid of it. There are two treatment control recommended if you found the infestation. Those are structural fumigation and localized or spot wood. When the extensive infestation is found the structural fumigation should be performed. It is used sulfuryl fluoride or methyl bromide gas. The entire building will be covered tight and the gas will be released inside.
On the other hand, localized spot wood treatment covers a very small area. It uses aerosol or dust formulation which later on will be injected to the galleries or the nest entrance. It will force the termite to come out of their nest or died inside.
That is all for the Drywood termite facts that you need to know. If you find an infestation it is recommended to contact termite control service than doing the DIY termite treatments. Call us to get termite control service from the experienced pest technician. I hope this article is useful and thank you.