The termite infestation is one of the most complex problems that affects a large number of houses across the globe and especially in Singapore. The termites are known to cause significant damage to the property as well as structure and foundations of the house if proper intervention and care is not taken.
The termites tend to eat kitchen sets, files, books, chairs, tables and frames amongst other things that are composed of wood. The termites are essentially blind, mute and deaf but they are still able to build a massive kingdom in the building. There is specifically a termite queen which is considerably large in size and its length goes up to 11 cm. Whereas in comparison termite king measures only about 2 cm. The termite that is responsible for guarding the queen is called termite warrior and it only measures about 1 cm in length.
Different types of termite and effective treatment for elimination of those termites

The termites are the colony pests that come in various categories or types that includes Conehead termites, Drywood termites, Dampwood termites, Subterranean termites and Formosan termites. These termites usually feed on the cellulose and the house is the perfect place for these termites to infest and establish their presence. Let us have a brief look at some of these types of termites.
Drywood termites: The drywood termites are the dangerous intruders that live in the woods which has considerably lesser moisture and which has nothing to do with soil. These termites create nests in the wooden structures and they control these structures which includes furniture and door frames. Since these termites live in the wood which has no direct contact with the water, the drywood termites have the special ability for metabolizing water from wood which they consume and also by absorbing as well as reabsorbing water from the feces. The colonies of the drywood termite are smaller in comparison to the soil termite colonies.
Subterranean termites: These are dangerous insect pests that live in the urban environments and consume cellulose which is found in the wood. There are various different species subterranean termites which are known as macrotermes, pests, microcerotermes and coptotermes. The Coptotermes are especially the most dangerous ones in Singapore as these termites cause destruction by infesting the structures and buildings. These termites build nests underground and they are dependent on soil for the moisture.
When it comes to the termite colony the termites are divided into three categories known as worker termites, soldier termites and winged reproductive termites. Each of these categories of termites have their own duties and tasks assigned to them and they operate based solely on their responsibilities.
If you ever find an infestation of one of the various types of termites in your area then you must hire the services of a professional anti termite agency as soon as possible. Fumida is an effective pest control service in Singapore and you can contact us directly for pricing and other related information.