Termite is an inevitable existence in our life. This harmful pest, that also ecologically important is a kind of unique creature. Their little body didn’t stop them to keep munching away on wood, and destroying our house. There are many amazing facts about termite that will blow your mind, and tell you that this savage wood eater is not to be underestimated.
The following list will show you some facts that will show you that termite is amazing.
1. Termite loves to help each other
Termite always helps each other. In some species, termite queen will feed their newborn termite. While the queen lays the egg, the father termite or the king won’t die soon after mating. The father will stay close to the queen, fertilizing the eggs and helping her feed their young termite. The same with worker termite, they will feed soldier and reproductive termite.
2. Termite workers and soldier are blind
One of the amazing facts about termite is, in almost all termite species, the worker and soldier are blind. they have no need to develop functional eyes because they always live in the deep dark underground. To move around, termite leaves scent trails from special glands on their chests. This scent also used to communicate with each termite. Each colony produces a distinct scent.
3. Family affair
The young king and queens will leave their home colony and fly out to find their mate. Often they fly in large swarms. Once they found their mate they will fly to find a new place, they break off their wings and settle down in their new home to make a new colony. Some species of termites, the queen can lay over 40,000 eggs per day.
4. Hard worker termite
This one of the facts about termite will blow your mind. The experts say that termite never sleeps. They will always build their colonies 24 hours a day. Every day, every night until they die. You can actually prove it. They will never stop munching your wood. You can hear the worker termite’s munching sounds or you can hear soldier termite head-banging to warn the colony.
5. They are good for the soil
One of the positive impacts of termite is their activity always related to mixing soil. They are also decomposers. They will recycle dead trees or trunks and make it into the new soil. The tunnels they made will aerate and eventually improve the soil conditions. Their decomposing animal dung also turns the soil into more fertilized.
6. Termite helped by the microorganism
The last of the facts about termite is, to digest their food, the termite has always helped by microorganisms in their guts. Protozoa in their guts will break the cellulose and turn it into protein for the termite. Their mound also has bacteria that will consume methane inside termite mounds.
Those are some facts that explain, behind their crazy eating habits, they are actually very amazing insects. While talking about termite, termite season is getting closer. To avoid infestation, or you want to get a better treatment please contact FUMIDA. Termite control service FUMIDA is available across Singapore. You can contact us for more information and offers.