One termite treatment which commonly used by many people and pest control company is liquid termite treatment. Even though this treatment is debatable about the eco-friendly aspect, many people still using this treatment. That is all because homeowners can do it by themself. But then, before you perform this treatment, you need to know more about this treatment. Read on this article and find more information about this treatment.
How does it work?
This treatment work by killing or repelling the termite before they enter your property. The termite in contact will later be killed by the non-repellent chemical or they will go back to their colony because of the repellent chemical. To do this treatment, a large number of the chemical will be spread around the property or the infested area as a barrier. The liquid chemical should be spread evenly to avoid even a little gap in the barrier.
A little gap from this liquid termite treatment barrier will allow the termite to tunnel and eventually past the barrier and invade your home. In case the termite is living inside the barrier, it will trap and stuck all the termite inside the barrier. Resulting in termite unable to get their food and moisture. The termite will because of a lack of moisture and starvation.
Repellent or non-repellent?

For the application of this treatment, two kinds of chemicals are commonly used. It is a repellent and non-repellent chemical. Both have their effect on termites. The repellent will repel away the termite to enter your property and avoid infestation. It is commonly done in pre-construction treatments, which allow spraying on the whole area. It is commonly used to repel subterranean termite. Some repellent chemical is Bifenthrin, Permethrin, and Cypermethrin.
The non-repellent chemical is used to kill the termite. The fact is, it is designed to be transparent and undetectable by the subterranean termite. The liquid termite treatment using this chemical has given a great contribution to subterranean termite control. One of the chemicals called Altriset, work by paralyzing the termite’s muscles. Resulting in a lack of activity and the inability to eat that will lead to death.
What to do?
Some of the pest control companies nowadays using very low-pressure sprayers when applying the chemical. They tend to use smaller electric powered or gas powered sprayers. It is said that using lower pressure sprayer did better job dispersing chemicals, and it is a fact that it is better than using a standard water hose.
You can do liquid termite treatment by yourself. The availability of the chemical is also sufficient, you can buy repellent or non-repellent termiticide from the department store. This treatment also can be applied with a few simple tools available from the hardware store. However, it is highly suggested to obtain professional services and some consultation from the expert.
That is all the information about this treatment. Even though if you can do it by yourself, please consider to get expert consultation and help from the professional, for safer termiticide application. You can contact FUMIDA termite control service from their official website ( for consultation, information, and treatments that they offer for you.